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Pick your favorite plane and prepare to take off!
Kids can take a friend or sibling with them in one airplane or can ride alone. 

Age & Height Requirements and Rules

  • Must be 3 years old. 

  • Each aircraft can hold 2 children. 

  • Fasten seatbelts.

  • Stay seated while in motion.

  • Keep hand sand feet in the Rile 

  • Wait for attendant to help you out of planes.

Cleared For Take-Off!

This children's amusement park ride puts your child in the cockpit of an old-style fighter plane!  As the ride goes round and round, picking up speed, it gives the feeling of flying! 


Fun Park Flying Ride

Your children's entertainment is our number one priority. Seeing their smiling faces as they soar through the air on our airplane ride and other children's attractions is awesome feedback! Want to offer some more feedback? Leave us a review!

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