Caddie Shak Grand Opening on Memorial Day Weekend!
Caddie Shak Family Entertainment Center will be kicking off our season with a special Grand Opening on Memorial Day weekend! We'll be open May 27, 28 & 29 from 12 - 9 pm. We'll be giving out FREE Caddie Shak Koozies to the First 100 People! Also, Wear something with an American Flag and get 5 FREE Credits with a Fun Card Purchase!
Stop out for ultimate fun featuring Go Karts, Mini Golf, Water Wars, Driving Range, Bumper Boats, Kiddie Rides, Batting Cages, and more! GO-PHER FUN!
*Now Booking Groups & Birthday Parties for the Summer Season! or call 724-593-0123
#gokarts #minigolf #waterwars #drivingrange #kiddierides #battingcage #open #weekends #May #gopherfun #laurelhighlands #golaurelhighlands #donegalpa #familyentertainmentcenter #memorialday #weekend
