Caddie Shak Now Open for the Season!
Caddie Shak Entertainment Center is officially OPEN FOR THE SEASON! Weekly schedule is Tuesday through Thursday from 12-8 pm & Friday through Sunday from 12-9 pm! We can't wait to kick off summer fun with everyone!
Go-Karts, Mini Golf, Bumper Boats, Batting Cages, Driving Range, Water Wars, Kiddie Rides, Arcade & More!
*Bungee Jumper is currently closed.
Now Booking Groups & Birthday Parties for the Summer Season!
Questions? Call 724-593-7400.
#gokarts #minigolf #waterwars #drivingrange #kiddierides #bumperboats #battingcage #schedule #June #gopherfun #laurelhighlands #golaurelhighlands #donegalpa #familyentertainmentcenter #birthdayparty #groups
