Caddie Shak Opening Weekends in May!
Caddie Shak Family Entertainment Center is kicking off the season by opening Saturdays & Sundays in May starting May 4 & 5! We will be open 12-9 pm. All attractions will be open except for Bumper Boats and Bungee Jumper. Stop out for ultimate fun featuring Go Karts, Mini Golf, Water Wars, Driving Range, Kiddie Rides, Batting Cages, and more! 🏎GO-PHER FUN!⛳️ Also open Memorial Day Weekend & Memorial Day! Open weekly starting in June.
*Now Booking Groups & Birthday Parties for the Summer Season! 🥳 Book Now at
#gokarts #minigolf #waterwars #drivingrange #kiddierides #battingcage #open #weekends #May #gopherfun #laurelhighlands #golaurelhighlands #donegalpa #familyentertainmentcenter #birthdays #fun #parties #groups #fieldtrips #memorialday #memorialdayweekend
