Car Cruise at Caddie Shak Sunday, October 15!
Spooky Season is right around the corner and that means its time to get ready for our Trunk, Truck or Treat CAR CRUISE hosted by Veterans Anything with Wheels at Caddie Shak Family Entertainment Center on Sunday, October 15, 2023 from 2-7 pm!
This is a safe, fun event for kids to Trick or Treat and get a ton of candy at one time! Only a $10 donation for cars! Rain or shine! Spectators free. Caddie Shak attractions will be open! Go Karts, Mini Golf, Kiddie Rides, Driving Range, Batting Cages, Arcade!
Prizes for: Top 5 Decorated Cars! Top 5 Cars! Adults, Kids & Teen costume contests too!
Come out for a day of fun for the whole family!
We hope to see you there!! Please share with friends!!!! Questions about the Car Cruise? Call 724-771-5094
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