Car Cruise at Caddie Shak this Fourth of July Weekend!
Caddie Shak Family Entertainment Center will host a Veterans Anything with Wheels CAR CRUISE on Friday, June 30 from 5 - 9:30 pm. It will be a $10 donation for cruise entries. Spectators Free. Top 10 rides, CS Favorite and Kids Pick! 50/50 tickets, DJ basket raffles, games, rides, mini golf, driving range, go karts, burgers hot dogs & more at the snack shak AND MORE!
Bring the whole family for a fun filled night!
Questions about the Car Cruise? Call 724-771-5094
#gokarts #minigolf #waterwars #drivingrange #kiddierides #battingcage #gopherfun #laurelhighlands #golaurelhighlands #donegalpa #familyentertainmentcenter #carcruise #carshow #june #holidayweekend #fourthofjuly #carcruise #carshow
