CAR CRUISE July 28 at Caddie Shak!
Caddie Shak Family Entertainment Center & Veterans Anything With Wheels Show present a CAR CRUISE! Fun for all!
Sunday, July 28 from 5-8 pm
132 Caddie Shak Rd, Donegal, PA 15628
$10 donation for cruise entries, Spectators FREE
Cruise Entry Registrant get 1 FREE Round of Mini Golf
Dash plaques to the first 50 entries
Top 10 rides, CS Favorite and Kids Pick!
50/50 tickets, games, rides, mini golf, driving range, go karts, food AND MORE!
Bring the whole family for a fun filled night!
Questions about the Car Cruise? Call 724-771-5094 or 724-593-7400
#gokarts #minigolf #waterwars #drivingrange #kiddierides #battingcage #gopherfun #laurelhighlands #golaurelhighlands #donegalpa #familyentertainmentcenter #carcruise #carshow #july #veteransanythingwithwheels #caddieshak #CarCruise #Trucks #CarAwards #CarShow #Carfun #Bikes

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